So this year I will be incorporating more writing into this blog The Book of Style and keeping *most* of my Polyvore sets on my tumblr, The Appendix to The Book of Style as the photos are supposed to be supporting content for my actual thought on fashion.What this hopefully means is more content and more personal/meaningful writing on my part. So yay! Onto the good stuff...
I'm really into the nu goth + pastel goth + dark mori kei aesthetics right now, and am endeavoring this year to invest in some... grown up versions of these styles. I think the rise of these styles are interesting because I feel like the varying aspects of my inner 90s child (goth vs. hippie/bohemian vs. fairy tale princess) that have been previously at war are now united one giant ball of stylistic wonder and with the added depth of my own personalization. there's some reflection in these styles and my engagement in fashion creation of my growth in my understanding and acceptance of myself reconciling my interests and aesthetic with myself as a Southerner, a Black person, and a young woman who is no longer really a girl. I'm not going to go into all that right now, but just take this as an introduction to what's in store for the rest of the year.
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